Một số thực tế thật bẽ bàng về cuộc sống

(Some harsh realities of life)



Lời giới thiệu:


Đây là một số thực tế thật bẽ bàng về cuộc sống mà tôi đã cố gắng ghi lại từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau trên mạng.  Tôi xin tạm giữ nguyên con bản Anh ngữ vì tôi lười dịch lại thành Việt ngữ; tuy nhiên những dòng sau đây cũng chỉ là Anh văn đơn giản thôi, cũng dễ hiểu mà?!

(Here are some harsh realities of life that I have extracted from various sources via the internet.  Sorry.  I am too lazy to translate them into Vietnamese; however, they are simple English, fairly easy to understand).


Trần Văn Giang




  1. No one is coming to save you – You have to get your life.
  2. On the track on your own. It’s your responsibility, no one else’s.
  3. Talent doesn’t mean much – It gives you a leg up, sure, but it doesn’t guarantee anything.
  4. Your Degree doesn’t matter as much as you think it does – The skills you develop matter far more. Employers look at what you can do and only use the Degree as a general screening.
  5. There is no “Love at First Sight” – Relationships are hard, and they require a ton of work. If you are not willing to stick through it, you will not make it as a couple.
  6. 99.999% of people do not care – Not because they hate you, but rather because everyone has their own stuff to deal with.
  7. Nothing is free – Everything in life comes at a price, and you have to pay it in advance to get what you want.
  8. You will die – Sorry, that is unavoidable. Get used to it because you never know when it might happen.
  9. 99% of all people you meet are fake – Their life on stage is far different than what goes on behind the scenes.
  10. No fact is certain – Just because it rang true for someone else doesn’t mean it will be true for you. Both for the positive and negative things.
  11. You cannot have everything you want – You just don’t have that kind of time, so pick wisely.
  12. Your Past is Set in Stone – No matter how much you worry or think about it, it will not change. Get over it and move on.
  13. Nothing is certain about the future – You can do everything you can and still not get the future you think of. Life is always changing, and in >99/100 cases something will happen that you didn’t even consider.
  14. Everything changes – Nothing stays the same; not you, not your friends, and not your life. Learn to adapt, or you will be left behind.
  15. Almost everything you knew two years ago is outdated now – Do not rely on the information you received back then as it is probably considered wrong now.
  16. Life is not a straight line – In fact, life is a clusterf*ck of a tornado. It will throw you up and down, take you for a spin, and slam you into the ground at times.
  17. Nothing happens on its own – You may wish, pray and hope that your life will change exactly to what you want it to be, but it won’t… not unless you move towards it.
  18. If you cannot figure it out, no one else can either – No one knows what you want out of life, your relationship or your job. You have to sit down and think about it.




  1. Nothing lasts forever. It doesn’t last. Your problems, people around you, your job, marriage or new relationships. Everything will come to an end someday. Even stuff that you thought might last for a lifetime will crumble and fall.
  2. Karma gets back to everyone eventually. You just wait for your turn and witness it screwing up people for what they did. Big or small. Good or bad. I believe in the karmic cycle revolving around this world.
  3. Nobody cares about you. Well, maybe 20% of people do (friends and family), but the rest of 80% don’t. Telling your problems to them is simply useless, not because they are glad you have them but because they don’t give a damn about your problems. They have their own “shit” to handle.
  4. People come, people go. You might die alone while sipping old scotch and sitting on rocking chair someday. It’s an eerie truth everyone knows yet nobody wants to admit.
  5. The exception to 5–6 friends, the rest of 90% people in your contact list and Facebook friend list is pretty much useless. They wouldn’t even attend your funeral.
  6. Your boss will want you to be productive and smart but not to excel more than them. No matter how much praise or compliments they shower you with, your growth and potential will be seen as a threat for them.
  7. If it’s not for Facebook Birthday reminder, 98% of people in your life will never know when your actual birth date is; except for your parents and bestie. (Test this if you want)
  8. One spouse will automatically take charge after marriage and control the other. They are the ones who wear the pants in the marriage. Happy marriages are often loosely a coiled term for adjustments and compromises.
  9. Your fake friends and relatives will not want you to have a better life or do better than them. Most people, including your friends, don’t want to know what’s wrong, especially if it’s serious. It’s easy to be around someone when they’re fun, but when things get serious, a lot of people will bail out. Anyone who doesn’t bail when things aren’t ‘fun’ is the people worth keeping beyond a polite social acquaintance.
  10. Money and looks have the potential to garner respect, friends, social status and fame. Have you seen a random stranger respecting someone due to their personality and bullshit? Oh, and looks matter too. A lot. Go ahead and deny it. I don’t care.
  11. Giving life advice are easy; helping someone out of the situation or following any of that advice are hard. Sometimes it takes more than advice to rescue someone from their bad situation.
  12. One fake friend is equivalent to 100 enemies. It takes only a small backstab to wreck you down instead of taking you down brick by brick. Keep your enemies close and friends closer.
  13. There are going to be times when you’ve tried your absolute best at something, done everything in your power to try and make it work, but it still doesn’t end up the way you want it to. This isn’t a reflection of your failure as a person; sometimes this is just life.
  14. You don’t have to be superficial and try hard to be liked by everybody. Sometimes it’s fine if nobody likes you. It is okay to be hated by people. It’s okay not to be able to blend in. You just got to be yourself and mind your own business.
  15. You are entitled to your opinion. Others are entitled to their own opinions. It doesn’t matter if they disagree with what you believe. Do not bother arguing with people over their opinions. You are entitled to people to respect your opinion as much as how you should respect theirs.
  16. The world is only interested in what it can get from you. Benefits they can reap out from you in some way or another. The world seeks you when they need a favor, advice or someone to listen to their rant. This world is a selfish place to be.
  17. Happiness is overrated. Happiness is a state of mind, not an emotion. You can have happiness and still hurt. People misunderstand that emotion is the goal, but it’s not. The goal should be a way of living that encourages emotion. If something brings you a feeling of happiness but does not contribute to a way of living to encourage more of that feeling, you haven’t found happiness.
  18. Life is unfair. If you’re good at something, there will always be someone better than you. Equality is a lie. There is no such thing as deserving. Now, enjoy your existence.




  1. Everything comes with a price, including “love.”
  2. People care about you when you got some values in yourself; else you will be abandoned in no time.
  3. Appearance is more important than you think it is.
  4. The more you work hard, the more stupid you are, as the paycheck will not grow in parallel with your hard work.
  5. Getting a degree or having good results in your grades only makes your employment chance higher, but not guaranteed.
  6. The extra curriculum activities in school that your teachers force you to attend, saying that it will influence your chance in getting into a good university? It’s only half true.
  7. Only 1% of the known couples out there are willing to stay together through thick and thin, while the rest will break up even when there’s only a ripple.
  8. People no longer experience the world through their eyes and senses but from their smartphone display.
  9. Technology helps us a lot, but at the same time making lots of jobs extinct.
  10. Getting a loan is much harder than getting accepted into a new job.
  11. Credit cards might seems to be very attractive, but wait until you have to start paying for the overdue.
  12. Every individual is different, so if your pick up line works for a girl, doesn’t mean it will work on another girl.
  13. Rumors are scarier than the truths. People rather trust rumors rather than investigating for the truth themselves.
  14. Not everyone will stop what they are doing and going great lengths just to help you in trouble.
  15. There are women who make use of their beauty and attractiveness just to make other male coworkers to do her work.
  16. Most of the upper management in an enterprise are male dominant.
  17. You might be unique, special, one of a kind, limited edition, but some people think you are nuts or crazy.
  18. No matter what good things you do, there are always people who want to see you suffer.
  19. Doing plenty of charity, no one bats an eye. Doing plenty of illegal actions such as murder, everyone is against you.
  20. People often judge others, no matter how right or wrong their judgment is.
  21. Not all parents are good at parenting.
  22. People don’t just live happily ever after once they got married. There are responsibilities to fulfill.
  23. Not all people are as happy as they look at their social media photos.
  24. Every individual has their own story to tell, but not everyone will be able to tell their story to the world.
  25. In certain fields of work, attractive people earn more than people with skills.
  26. Talents don’t ensure your success in life.
  27. Not all actors, actresses or singers are well known.
  28. Dreams are easily crushed when no one seems to support you.




  1. You don’t get out of this earth alive.
  2. Everyone is temporary.
  3. Your luxuries are a result of someone’s sweat and tears.
  4. We all come with Nothing, and we will go with Nothing… Let us, therefore, remain humble and be thankful & grateful to God at all times for everything
  5. Your path is filled with enemies. That even if you were to be attacked by lions. Some will run with salt and pepper to season your wounds so the flesh tastes better for the lion.
  6. Love will keep breaking our hearts until they open
  7. Life is fair if you learn to play by the rules.
  8. Speaking of rules, gravity does not care about race, gender, nationality. If you jump on a 60-ft story building be sure to know how to build an airplane on your way down.
  9. Your time here on earth is limited.
  10. You are what you repeatedly do.
  11. What you are right now is a reflection of your choices.
  12. Some want to go there. Those who are there want to come back.
  13. Some very gifted children suffer from depression because they’ve already realized that “death is inevitable and life is meaningless.”
  14. There was a day when your parents put you down and never picked you up again.
  15. Ten out of ten people die.
  16. It takes nearly 20 years for a four-year degree to become profitable.
  17. But you don’t need a degree to start a business.
  18. Speaking of business. It requires more money to start a shoe shine business than to build a 60 story building.
  19. The biggest secret parents keep from their kids is that no one actually has any idea what’s going on and everyone is just making it up as they go along.




  1. Life tends to reward those who dare and punish those who fear.
  2. There is gold inside of you, but it must be extracted through intense heat and pressure.
  3. Your destiny was determined long before you were born and hidden in the harsh realities of where you were born.
  4. Don’t fight with life. Yield to life.
  5. Life rewards those who fight without losing courage.
  6. Don’t sympathize with yourself. Synthesize yourself.
  7. Don’t break your back over a step you skipped to take when you were young when it’s already too late.
  8. Don’t fight your thoughts. Allow them to create your destiny.
  9. If you know it’s yours, then be courageous enough to let it go.
  10. The best way to prove that you love someone is to be courageous enough to let them go.
  11. Don’t fight for your rights. If they’re already yours, take them.
  12. Things seem less important the older you get.
  13. The goal of every youth is to become an adult, but the wish of every adult is to feel young again.
  14. It is a scary thing to wake up one morning and find out that you’ll never become young again.
  15. Money can buy everything except your youth.
  16. The smartest thing to do is to listen faster than you can speak
  17. You can’t run faster than your shadow.
  18. Your destiny is in your hands.
  19. Money is the effect. The mind is the cause.
  20. Life is tough. Be tough.




  1. Nobody cares about you but yourself.
  2. You will fail many times to succeed.
  3. Do you exist? Great you have to serve others and help run their businesses with little in return.
  4. Sometimes life is backward with people; for example, some of the smartest people recognize they aren’t perfect and that everyone has weaknesses while the dumbest people are confident, bullies and egotistical.
  5. Another thing I’ve learned is that depression is truly self-realism about oneself and seeing things on a larger scale of awareness. To think all the time positively indicates that you are ignorant or blind of all circumstances or bad events that unfold.
  6. The internet is full of lies and fake positivity about success or being a better person but fail to truly pick out the struggles you will experience along the way.
  7. As legit as any program online is don’t trust it and don’t fall into their trap. Things they say are truly too good to be true.
  8. Genes do play a role in dominating sports or bodybuilding. To say NO it’s “hard work and perseverance” is only one part of the system where your genetics do matter.
  9. You will fail at your professional career or physical sport at least once or make mistakes countless times. Failure is meant to happen to grow and be successful.
  10. Getting fired or written up on any job is normal. You’ll see that even so-called jobs that are “easy” aren’t and some of the best employees would get criticism as well.
  11. Skill happens when you make many mistakes, and you fix those errors and continue to improve on it. Skills are learned through time and experience, but not everyone has the same skill levels.
  12. All the advice about creating a website and doing YouTube is complete BS.
  13. Not all are created equally or have the same natural abilities. Some learn late while others learn at a young age. All of us are different.
  14. “All men and women are created equally” – WRONG – It is WRONGLY stated in the US constitution.
  15. Success breeds haters, not lovers.
  16. You want to succeed in life and be at the top? Prepare for more people who just won’t like you for it.
  17. Your strength and what you find easy to accomplish in life could be somebody’s challenge and weakness.
  18. Business is about taking “risks” not “making money” also helping others grow as well, pitching into helping communities grow and doing the right things for people not for status.
  19. Just because you lost weight and got fit by diet and exercise doesn’t mean everyone will have equal results. This is where we need to cater to everyone’s struggles and stress triggers in life.
  20. You don’t attract success nor does the law of attraction work.
  21. Death is inevitable, and nobody escapes it.
  22. Introverts and those with mild autism aren’t these geniuses that try to compete for everybody out; most of us could care less about success and aren’t loaded with mental illnesses. We enjoy life as well and cherish true happiness by doing things.
  23. Not all silent and quiet personality types are this bloodthirsty attention seeking monsters that care only about excelling at sports or academics. Some prefer the solitude environment while others just like doing their own thing.
  24. Most people end up having skill or talent but not for competition. Only for the love and passion for doing it. They enjoyed it and chose it as a passion not to compete with others. But it can certainly look like it. People do it not to “stand out” but because it’s fun and challenging.
  25. Death, taxes, diseases, old age will happen to everyone. Sounds creepy but it is a harsh reality that when it happens only, your close loved ones will be affected but not the rest of the world.




  1. You might not live to see tomorrow.
  2. No matter what good things you do, there are always people who want to see you suffer.
  3. Your friends will change your position on their priority lists.
  4. No matter how bad you are, your family loves you.
  5. Many people who surround you just pretend to be your well-wishers and friends.
  6. Not all people are as happy as they look at their social media photos.
  7. Talents don’t confirm your success in life.
  8. The things you care about most will all be gone someday.
  9. Your physical beauty will deteriorate someday.
  10. We don’t see things as they are. We see things as a way ‘we’ are and make our own perception.
  11. Some people will have valid reasons to dislike you.
  12. Everyone will leave you one day.
  13. We all have some negative qualities.
  14. Except for your 3–4 friends, most of the people in your contact list and Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp friend list are pretty much useless. They wouldn’t even attend your funeral.
  15. Your fake friends and relatives may not want you to have a better life or do better than them.
  16. You cannot achieve everything you dreamed for.
  17. People look for “Kindness” not for “kinds.”
  18. You cannot make everyone happy.
  19. Money is honey..!
  20. Pretending to be busy is not the same as actually being productive.
  21. Failure is Part of the Plan.





Thực vậy.  Cuộc sống đầy rẫy những thực tế thật bẽ bàng!!!


Trần Văn Giang (st)



Một số thực tế thật bẽ bàng về cuộc sống – Trần Văn Giang (st)

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